Charity Day with the East Anglian Air Ambulance
As part of our programme of charity giving, especially for organisations near to us, Parma Industries Ltd contributes regularly to the East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA).
This month, some Parma personnel were privileged to be given a tour of Helimed House, the EAAA base at Norwich Airport, which was an eye-opener on the amazing work done by these dedicated front-line crews.
EAAA operates helicopters and critical care cars from two bases in East Anglia – Norwich and Cambridge - and has a total staff count of around 100. It boasts some of the most advanced equipment and systems in the UK, with crews from both bases on call - 24/7, 365 days a year. The crew operate 12-hour shifts and are highly trained and totally committed.
The organisation is almost entirely funded from private and corporate donations and annual costs are around £19m, with each individual emergency call out (known as a ‘tasking’) costing approximately £4,250.00.
Below are some further fascinating facts:
• Air priority – with the use of a special callsign, emergency helicopters have priority over all other aircraft movements including around airports and military bases.
• Crew – each helicopter carries a crew of four - 2 pilots and 2 medical specialists, comprising a doctor and a critical care paramedic.
• The clinicians have medical skills and equipment beyond what a ground ambulance has and can even carry out hospital-level interventions at the scene of a medical emergency.
• Several taskings per day – with round-the-clock readiness, the crews are in constant demand. At the time of our visit at 11:00 the helicopter returned from the third call of the day and had to take-off on another within a few minutes.
• Simulator room – A highly sophisticated training facility to prepare for different emergency scenarios using lifelike mannikins as well as human actors, realistic lights and sounds, extreme temperature adjustment and even sprinklers for rain!
• Kit on board – there is always enough for three consecutive emergencies, and these are replenished after each tasking.
In all, an amazing outfit, and one we are thankful to have on call should the occasion arise. At 150mph, the aircraft can reach any hospital in the area within 15 minutes. However, there are three significant hazards to their operation that everyone should be aware of:
• If you see the helicopter looking for a place to land, move as far away as possible as the aircraft’s downwash is extremely powerful.
• Shining lasers at helicopters is extremely dangerous and illegal. Any light is even more intensified by the pilots’ night-vision goggles.
• Drones – natural curiosity and the desire for an eye-witness shot are becoming a dangerous nuisance which could imperil the lives of those trying to save lives.
Thanks, EAAA for an extremely informative visit. We’re glad you’re there and aim to continue our support.