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Are You Ready for the PFOA Extinguisher Ban?

By 4 July 2025, the use of PFOA foam extinguishers will be completely banned. Do you have an alternative ready?


Why are there bans?

AFFF extinguishers often contain PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic acid), which can no longer be produced, and as of July 4, 2025 will be banned for use within the UK - an aim to reduce harmful chemicals that linger in the environment and the human body.

While the immediate concern is the upcoming ban on PFOA from July 4, 2025, it’s expected that all PFAS (Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) extinguishers will also be prohibited before 2030 as part of a global effort to eliminate harmful 'forever chemicals.'

If you have stockpiles of PFOA-containing foam, now is the time to plan for compliance.

What are the alternatives?

If you still need a foam extinguisher, there’s good news! Parma Group stocks eco-friendly, approved alternatives that comply with regulations beyond 2030. 

Option One: The P50 Range


✅ 20-year life cycle

✅ 10-year operational corrosion guarantee

✅ 10-year manufacturing and workmanship guarantee

✅ No annual life cycle - Self maintained annual inspection
✅ Manufactured in Great Britain

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Option Two: The Envirofoam Range


✅ 100% PFAS-free – safer for the environment

✅ Identifiable Green Crosshair for easy recognition

✅ Kitemarked to BS EN3 – internationally recognized quality

✅ Corrosion-resistant deep-drawn cylinder for durability

✅ Strong base skirt for added protection

✅ Full range of spare parts available for longevity

✅ Effective on Class A & B fires – creates a dense foam blanket to suppress flames and prevent reignition

Don’t Need Foam?

Try these…

Water Mist - The UV treated de-ionised water mist fire extinguisher is an environmentally friendly option for small carbonaceous (Class A) and cooking oil/fat fire (Class F) risks.

Powder - The ABC powder is non-conductive and will extinguish carbonaceous (Class A) and  flammable liquids (Class B) fires and flammable gas (Class C) fires.

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Got Questions?

Get in touch, and we will be happy to assist you. Our opening hours are 8am - 5pm Monday to Friday.
Tel: +44 (0)1728 745700